Our Day
The Centre operates five days a week from 9.15 am to 2.30 pm.
Each morning we start with Morning Hui. This gives our rangitahi a place where they can talk about what is going on in the world and what is going on for them in their lives. This space also gives staff the opportunity to talk to students about any concerns, and update them on the day’s activities and upcoming events.
On Mondays we spend the day working on a variety of different activities. Some of our students go along to the AUT dentist for check ups and any work required. Our public health nurse is also in doing health checks with our students and identifying any physical or emotional needs they may present with.
We often have outside agencies deliver programs such as drug and alcohol education on this day.
The rest of the week, we work on our subjects. For year 11s these are Maths, English, Kaupapa Maori and Pathways where they work towards NCEA Level 1 credits through Te Kura. Our year 9 and 10 students work on Maths, English, Social Studies and The Arts. All students participate in some form of physical activity every day.
At the end of each day, the students are required to carry out chores at the Centre. Chores include vacuuming, dishes, rubbish duty, bathroom and general cleaning. This gives the students a sense of ownership and responsibility at the Centre and promotes quality workmanship.